Saturday, January 28, 2012

Sunday Funnies

-Schlock Mercenary Despite Schlock's efforts, the wedding was perfect.
-TwoLumps Texas spring.
-Girl Genius Tarvek has been HELPING.
-No Need For Bushido Suddenly, arrows!
-Delta Bravo Sierra Lucky is a trainer now.
-Amya Faye has some light reading for the train.
-Lackadaisy How to prove you are a desperate rum-runner.

Not Updated, fie!
- Banished
-Dresden Codak
-Commander Kitty
-My Ninja Family
-Gone with the Blastwave Waiting patiently for the December January February March ah hell with it, he'll update whenever Iron Sky releases, I guess.
-Argghhh-onauts is still low on pink pixels.


Thursday, January 26, 2012

Good Lowrd

Below, in its entirety, is an email message I just received from My Senator, Patty (D-Taliban-Daycare) Murray.

Dear Ms. Chase:


I hope all is well in Snohomish.

What a scintillating intellect. Summon the meteors!

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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sunday Funnies

-Schlock Mercenary The Gavs want a planet guarded.
-TwoLumps Sneezing and weather.
-Girl Genius If Gil won't be Baron, he can be a Prince.
-No Need For Bushido Things don't look good for Ken...
-Delta Bravo Sierra More new clone tricks.
-Amya The kolyraut will be attended to.

Not Updated, fie!
- Banished
-Dresden Codak
-Commander Kitty
-My Ninja Family
-Lackadaisy No comic, but new art.
-Gone with the Blastwave Waiting patiently for the December January February March ah hell with it, he'll update whenever Iron Sky releases, I guess.
-Argghhh-onauts feels underdressed with less than five weapons.


Friday, January 20, 2012

I served in the 2% battalion, myself

You may have heard that we in the soggy corner of the map are having a spot of bother with snow and ice this week.  It's all very well for you folks used to that kind of weather to point and laugh--we aren't used to it, and more to the point the five union snowplow drivers aren't either.  The concept of "plowing a road so people can drive on it" was apparently introduced in an upper-level course they got a waiver for.

But have no fear!  Govenor Christine Gregoire (D-Voter Fraud) issued a Declaration of a State of Emergency, calling out the National Guard, even!

To help deliver milk.

I understand milk can spoil.  Those of us with room temperature and higher IQs recall that milk kept in a refrigerator spoils much less rapidly, and, oh yes, it was BELOW FREEZING all week.  Freezing milk might be a problem, but spoiling not so much.  Oh, they also mention the economic impact of losing all those milk deliveries.  What, pray tell, is the economic impact of hundreds of thousands of people unable to drive to the stores to pick up milk (which, unbought, will...spoil)?  What about the economic impact on people unable to drive to work and also unable to work from home?  They will now have less money with which to buy milk, whenever the roads clear up.  Probably in April.

I don't get it.  If a Governer were to, say, make sure the roads were driveable for everyone, the milk truckers would *also* be able to drive on them.  Strange, no?  Why all this concern just for milk deliveries?

I speculate the Dairy Farmer's Association of Washington State has some pretty compromising photos of a certain Governor ...

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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sunday Funnies

-Schlock Mercenary Ennesby is still running around on a hand.
-TwoLumps A Fluffy nerf-herder.
-Girl Genius As he feared, Gil needed the Hat.
-No Need For Bushido Ken is getting his ass kicked. Cue Genchu!
-Delta Bravo Sierra Fantasizing about trigger cows.
-Amya Accel has noticed the kolyraut.
-Dresden Codak The war with the robots.
-Commander Kitty The dangers of being on the Friends list.
-My Ninja Family Several new strips!

Not Updated, fie!
- Banished
-Lackadaisy No comic, but new art.
-Gone with the Blastwave Waiting patiently for the December January February March ah hell with it, he'll update whenever Iron Sky releases, I guess.
-Argghhh-onauts thinks its easy being green.


Thursday, January 12, 2012

Hmm, I wonder what those black helicopters are doing ...

...over my house.

If I disappear, start a bail fund.  I checked my Sitemeter stats for fun today.  Guess who came to visit yesterday?  Someone from the originating site of, that's who.  And not just any schlub, either.  According to the IP address, it was the US Senate Sergeant at Arms.  And what, pray tell, was the good Sergeant interested in?  Why, this post.  Now, some nit-picky people might allege that our Congressional Betters are a bit slow on the uptake.  First, the title of the post, "A Day in the Life of an Evil Conservative" is what's known as sarcasm.  Look it up, Congresscritters, and be informed.  Secondly, if you are going to hyperventilate about some of the words I chose to use that made you feel frightened, try and pick up on the alleged threat closer to the point of the post going up.  It hasn't been February 2008 for a long time now.

Since the Sergeant at Arms only looked at the page for a grand total of 3 seconds, (or his webcrawler did), maybe he figured it out.  And is now trying to explain to some dimwit in the Senate that yes, I AM allowed to do that.  For now, anyway...

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Monday, January 09, 2012

Latest Writing News

If you were weeping silently into your beverage of choice because you simply could not afford one of my ebooks, despair no longer!  Firehearted is now free on Amazon, until Jan. 11.  Tell your friends!

Also, I now have a newsletter signup thing on my writing website.  If you only want to know about Fantasy book news, you can do that.  Ditto SF.  Tell your friends about that, too.  I promise not to sell your email into bondage.


Sunday, January 08, 2012

Sunday Funnies

-Schlock Mercenary Combat pay for brain surgery.
-TwoLumps Hummus should be banned.
-Girl Genius The castle needs time to recharge.
-No Need For Bushido Time to punch someone in the face.
-Delta Bravo Sierra Deployment leads to sighting of boobies.
-Amya Faye's friends will be rewarded...appropriately.
-Commander Kitty The dangers of being on the Friends list.

Not Updated, fie!
- Banished
-Dresden Codak
-Lackadaisy No comic, but new art.
-Gone with the Blastwave Waiting patiently for the December January February March ah hell with it, he'll update whenever Iron Sky releases, I guess.
-My Ninja Family
-Argghhh-onauts is learning how to say "sandstorm" in all human languages.


Thursday, January 05, 2012

Snark Dim Sum

Dim Sum, I have been informed, translates as "little treasures" or some such.  I have a valid Literary License, so don't judge me!

-Signs of Real Hope: At a bookstore, prominently displayed for sale, a "NoBama" 2012 calendar.  In SEATTLE!  I swearz! If it can happen here...

-Signs of Continuing Idiocy: The initiative to assimilate my neighborhood into the Greater Co-Prosperity Sphere of the nearby town was defeated.  However, some dim bulbs think they want to try again THIS year, because obviously we didn't understand the issues.  (The only issue I need to understand is the neighboring town wants my money.)  I think it is time for some pitchforks to come out for cleaning.

-Signs of Spring: I have a primrose blooming in my yard.  Actually blooming, in January.  If I can get home during the 3 hours of daylight, I will photograph it as proof.  If this be Global Warming, bring me more!

-Signs of Apathy: Why are all the top Republican candidates various shades of vanilla-flavored styrofoam?  (I don't count RonPaul, only humans are eligible to be President).  I want more shin-kicking and less bloviating.  That applies to you too, Speaker Boehner.

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Sunday, January 01, 2012

Sunday Funnies

Happy New Year, Comix lovers!

-Schlock Mercenary The Gavs visit the Transmorgrifier.
-TwoLumps Get drunk early, avoid the rush!
-Girl Genius Agatha is not going to hide.
-No Need For Bushido Ken is getting pushed around.
-Delta Bravo Sierra Where is the Ausfart, anyway?
-Amya Faye's father appears at the checkpoint just in time.
-Commander Kitty Nin Wah needs an explanation NOW.

Not Updated, fie!
- Banished
-Dresden Codak
-Lackadaisy No comic, but new art.
-Gone with the Blastwave Waiting patiently for the December January February March ah hell with it, he'll update whenever Iron Sky releases, I guess.
-My Ninja Family
-Argghhh-onauts is looking to hire a Bladerunner.
