Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sunday Funnies

-Schlock Mercenary Bristlecone's affections have been edited.
-TwoLumps In the secret vault of gooshyfood.
-Girl Genius Time to meet the Heterodyne.
-No Need For Bushido Yori, did you check your target?
-Delta Bravo Sierra Guard towers not rated for T.Rex CSOs.
-Amya Felix vanishes.
-Commander Kitty Commander Kitty is indecisive.

Not Updated, fie!

-Dresden Codak Dead computer has been resurrected, so new comic will appear soon!
- Banished New chapter soon.
-Lackadaisy No comic, but new art.
-Gone with the Blastwave Waiting patiently for the December January February March ah hell with it, he'll update whenever Iron Sky releases, I guess.
-My Ninja Family
-Argghhh-onauts is back to throwing himself at the ground and missing.


Monday, October 17, 2011

Proof of the Coming Apocalypse

The tree that is blooming in October is my Bartlett pear. Proof of date provided by the voter's pamphlet. (Arguably another sign of doom.) Of course it didn't bloom this spring due to all the global warming, and I have no idea why it suddenly decided to make pears now.  Good luck finding any bees to help with the process.  Maybe it knows this is the last chance EVER.  Mommy.

It's been nice knowing y'all...


Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sunday Funnies

-Schlock Mercenary Para needs to warn her friends.
-TwoLumps A challenger appears.
-Girl Genius Gil has a big gun.
-No Need For Bushido Uso has a lot of clever tricks.
-Delta Bravo Sierra Col. Uar, of the JAG.
-Amya Vincent showed up, but whose side is he on?
- Banished Not one of them.
-Commander Kitty Zenith has a monster.

Not Updated, fie!

-Dresden Codak Dead computer has been resurrected, so new comic will appear soon!
-Lackadaisy No comic, but new art.
-Gone with the Blastwave Waiting patiently for the December January February March ah hell with it, he'll update whenever Iron Sky releases, I guess.
-My Ninja Family
-Argghhh-onauts knows which end goes bang.


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

For a Monster's a Monster, No Matter How Small!

Some warped individual is rewriting Lovecraft's Call of Cthulu in the style of Dr. Seuss.  You're never too young to have the piss scared out of you.  Check out the comments, too -- someone got a clip of the cutest little Elder Godling in action!


Friday, October 07, 2011

Snark Sampler

Yeah, posting has gotten even more random than usual due to some exciting projects here at Snark Central.  Stay tuned for an important announcement, hopefully in December.  Meanwhile, here are some tasty morsels of snark...

-With the loss of Steve Jobs recently, some interesting financial information about Apple has come to my attention.  Did you know Apple's profit margin is 25-30%?  The much-maligned Exxon Mobile is lucky to make 10%, and the condensed evil of the health insurance companies only produces 3-5%.  Given the pronunciamento of the current administration and their handmaidens in the press, moral turpitude is apparently inversely proportional to profit.  Why aren't the Occupy Wall Street punkins protesting the evil corporate greed of Apple, hmm?

-The Tea Party and Republicans have a black candidate (Mr. Cain) and Ms. Garofalo sees it as a mere coverup of bone-deep racism.  The Democrats have a black candidate (Mr. Obama) and that is proof of their virtuous colorblindness.  Any criticism of the President's economic plans is considered to originate solely in racism.  Can some kind liberal explain exactly how one can criticize Mr.Obama without being racist?  I'm sure they don't want to claim he can do no wrong because of his skin color.  Do liberals really think that if Obama was white conservatives wouldn't be criticizing his puerile economic ideas?

-France Bans Ketchup: You can't make this stuff up.  You see, the ignorant schoolchildren were dousing the culinary treats of La France with ketchup to cover up the taste.  Dear silly Frenchmen--if your food was actually good the kids wouldn't do that.  Why not punish the cooks that profaned your traditional recipes instead of the children?

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

It Only Takes One

Congratulations to Dr. Schechtman, who has just been awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for discovering quasicrystals.  Despite the scorn and discouragement of his colleagues, Dr. Schechtman did not fall for the "science is consensus" nonsense -- and now he has a Nobel to hang on his wall.  Nothing is as sweet as proving your detractors wrong--well, maybe proving them wrong and getting a Nobel Prize doing it.

During the Second World War Germany got a hundred scientists to sign on to a broadside claiming Einstein (persona non grata there for being a non-dead Jew) was wrong.  When the reporters told him a hundred scientists said he was wrong and asked his opinion, he merely said "If I was really wrong, it would only take one."


Sunday, October 02, 2011

Sunday Funnies

-Schlock Mercenary Sometimes flying suits are a bad idea.
-TwoLumps One fish one cup.
-Girl Genius Mechanicsburg wakes up.
-No Need For Bushido Yori now has an Ina targeting system. Uso is not happy.
-Delta Bravo Sierra No shit, there I was...
-Amya Everybody is mad at Felix.
- Banished Timbo isn't a robot.
-Commander Kitty Where does one keep ferret brains?

Not Updated, fie!

-Dresden Codak Dead computer has been resurrected, so new comic will appear soon!
-Lackadaisy No comic, but new art.
-Gone with the Blastwave Waiting patiently for the December January February March ah hell with it, he'll update whenever Iron Sky releases, I guess.
-My Ninja Family
-Argghhh-onauts wants to put his shirt on.
