You have been warned. If you offend easily, need to cut back on stress, or are already having a bad day, you might want to go and
look at a kitten instead of reading this.
So, why am I feeling like a dyspeptic badger at the moment? A lot of little things adding up, and the final straw was seeing, as I trundled home from a long day's work, that a neighbor had hung up a spray-painted bedsheet bearing the words "We stand with you Cindy". I like my neighborhood. It was refreshingly low-key politically during the recent fraught election, and it felt like a refuge of sanity. Not that everyone agreed on things, but that we KEPT IT CIVIL. The rest of the world should try it some time, just for variety.
I wasn't planning on addressing the media circus surrounding the new anti-war darling, the mother of Casey Sheehan. My thoughts were not kind ones as I heard the amazingly crude, rude, offensive, and deranged comments from this individual. (As an aside, lady, killing for territory is not an invention of the Europeans. Humans have been doing it since they discovered the fatal transfer of momentum via rock, and Native Americans were doing it to each other when Columbus was still in diapers. Oh, and even the worst multicultis never accused the Evil White people of cannibalism, which did happen during the collapse of the Anasazi culture.) There, my first gratuitous insult! I'm going to hell anyway according to the fundamentalist religious types, so I may as well make it worth the trip.
So .... I listen to all the whining coming from the fruit-loops holding "vigil" in Crawford. I hear moaning about "her child taken away from her" and "why did he die" and the rest. What does this bozo think? She gets to demand meeting after meeting with the President of the United States -- who has more important things to do -- until her son comes back from the dead or Bush breaks down and confesses, sobbing, to setting the IED that blew him up? He knows damn well what the cost of war is. He meets with the families of the dead (including Mrs. Sheehan!) and sees the pain and loss in their faces. He meets with the wounded, broken soldiers that he ordered into harms way. What idiot MoveOn talking points would make more of an impression than that?
I think Cindy likes attention, but that's not the real reason she's out there whining. I have no data on whether or not she loved her son, so let's assume she did. However -- it's pretty clear she's been antiwar for a long time. She had 20 years to convince Casey that she was right, but he voluntarily enlisted anyway. Then she had 4 more years, as he served and saw that the military was, O Horror, actually used for fighting --- and he voluntarily RE-enlisted. Still more time for her to call, write, email, whatever to convince him what he was doing was just for OIIIIIILLLL --- and he volunteered to go out on a rescue mission that ended in his death.
It's not really about the President. He's just a proxy for Casey. She wants to win the argument with her son, and he's inconveniently and permanently beyond her reach.
Oh. Looks like there are still some un-offended people out there. Um, Mac users think training wheels are fashion accessories! Yes, you look fat in that dress! Meat is yummy! War IS the answer! Pave the Arctic! Unilateral Cowboys are Cool! The Sun is causing Global Warming!
(if you are still un-offended, leave a note in the comments and I will do my best to accommodate you.)