Wednesday, August 31, 2005

If you aren't soggy, homeless, and have all your fingers, read this

I've had beignets in the French Quarter. It makes me sick to think it's now mostly noted for being flooded with foul water and stupid looters. The Armorer says it all better than I could. There will be time to assign blame, to get heavy with the clue-bat when people (inevitably) will try to rebuild in exactly the same floodable location, but people are hurting NOW. Instapundit is collecting links of places you can send help. The word I'm getting is money is much more useful than goods at this point.

Meanwhile, we still have a war going on. Soldiers need our help too. When you are stuck in a hospital bed, missing crucial bits of yourself and the remainder hurting and not working properly yet, anything that makes you feel like you can contribute -- communicate -- be a part of the world -- keep in touch with buddies still in the Sandbox -- is a wonderful thing. Voice-activated laptops are the way. And Project Valor-IT is gathering momentum!

Shamelessly stolen from the Project Valor-IT blog:

* We have raised over $10,000 (Soldiers' Angels has advanced us additional money)
* Twenty laptop set-ups purchased and shipped (10 have arrived in MD for Bethesda and Walter Reed, and 10 more are in the mail)

Find out more at the Soldiers Angels Valor-IT site (and donate, hint hint!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just think of all the people in the bead industry who will be out of work.

Seriously, this is a tradgedy of epic proportion. I hope people donate all that they can.

7:17 PM, August 31, 2005  

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