Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sunday Funnies

-Schlock Mercenary A very old war.
-TwoLumps The dangers of '80s exercise videos.
-Girl Genius Mamma Gikka tries to pull rank.
-No Need For Bushido Where is Fumio's hug?
-Delta Bravo Sierra The career NCO.
-Amya Now it's Linna's story.
-Romantically Apocalyptic Fixing the terrible underpopulation problem.
-Power NapOne of those.
- BanishedThe sergeant has no use for poise.

Not Updated, fie!
-Dresden Codak
-Commander Kitty
-My Ninja Family
-Gone with the Blastwave
-Argghhh-onauts tried to save them.


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Sampler of Snark

Lots of little things going on these days, and lots and LOTS of writing work. First book in the new SF series goes live in a few weeks, and there's a lot of behind-the-scenes scampering to be done. But meanwhile...

1) The Freedom-loving forces arrayed against the evil minions of annexation were, once again, victorious. By an even larger margin than last time, too. Perhaps the city will note the trend and stop trying? Naaah. That would be *intelligent*. Oh, and we discovered they are rapidly running out of money, hence the desperate need to take MINE. Not to worry, we have plans.

B) I have been greatly amused by the Dog Propaganda Wars. What the Obama people desperately need is a continuity enforcer. See, you can't wail about how cruel Romney was to take the dog on a family vacation in a crate strapped to the roof without people reading between the lines and figuring out that a) a station wagon crammed with the entire family is not how wealthy plutocrats travel on vacation, b) the Romneys care enough about their dog to WANT to take him on vacation, since the dog is family too, and c) when the Obamas take their alleged pet on vacation with them, he gets a separate plane. THAT's how clueless rich people do it.  So either Romney is out of touch with everyday Americans because he is rich, or he isn't.  Pick one.  I'd advise canning the dog meme (see what I did there?) because a lot more people have crammed their family in a stationwagon to go on vacation than have ever ridden in a private jet.  Just saying.  And we can go on and on forever about how few real Americans have ever *eaten* dog.

III) I want an inflatable Stonehenge.  That is just too cool for school.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sunday Funnies

-Schlock Mercenary Schlock is upset he missed the zombie.
-TwoLumps Snooch discovers jalapenos.
-Girl Genius Going princess shopping with Zeetha.
-No Need For Bushido Ina and Yori get interrupted.
-Delta Bravo Sierra "Know your backstop" applies to romance, too.
-Amya Food, and leaving.
-Romantically Apocalyptic Fixing the terrible underpopulation problem.

Not Updated, fie!
-Power Nap
- Banished
-Dresden Codak
-Commander Kitty
-My Ninja Family
-Gone with the Blastwave
-Argghhh-onauts is not impressed by spring offensives.


Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sunday Funnies

-Schlock Mercenary Schlock survived the drop.
-TwoLumps Death for Mister Squishy the sponge.
-Girl Genius Gil has been captured!
-No Need For Bushido Ken needs the guidance of the Tao.
-Delta Bravo Sierra Who's that standing behind you?
-Amya Vincent has a job.
-Commander Kitty Nin Wah tries to keep her stories straight.
-NEW COMIC! Power Nap The new job doesn't help him with chicks.
- Banished Rak doesn't understand hand signals so the Boscis translates.
-Romantically Apocalyptic No, Snippy did not enjoy his vacation.
-Dresden Codak The Dark Counsel.
-Lackadaisy Victor and Mordecai take care of bidness.

Not Updated, fie!
-My Ninja Family
-Gone with the Blastwave
-Argghhh-onauts awaits the incoming jellybean.


Sunday, April 01, 2012

Sunday Funnies

In honor of April Fools Day, enjoy a gallery of Norman Rockwell's April Fools covers!

-Schlock Mercenary How to restrain a zombie.
-TwoLumps Pet the kitteh or else.
-Girl Genius A nice, relaxing, hardly-poisoned drink with friends
-No Need For Bushido Lord Maru doesn't think much of political expediency.
-Delta Bravo Sierra Testing MRAP armor with the EllTee.
-Amya You never forget your first theft.
-Commander Kitty Zenith only needs the head.
-NEW COMIC! Power Nap I don't think a chapter cover counts, but whatever.

Not Updated, fie!
- Banished
-Romantically Apocalyptic
-My Ninja Family
-Dresden Codak
-Gone with the Blastwave
-Argghhh-onauts dreams of cheesy-bean burrito night at the DFAC.
