Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Bookshelf Extreme

via Instapundit, a very entertaining take on some individuals who seem to think that books are for display. They debate whether or not it is de rigeur to display books which one has not actually read, and are roundly mocked in the comments by bibliophiles who could care less what *people* think, they like *books*. Now, I will confess to a form of bibliomancy when invited to someone's home--I check out their bookshelves. It gives me some idea of the hidden depths involved without requiring rude questions or other social hazards, like actually talking to them. (If they don't have any books, I suddenly recall I left something on the stove and run out the door, gibbering.) My bookshelves must give *my* visitors furiously to think, as M. Poirot would say. Yes, he is present, as is Lord Peter, the Thinking Machine, and others of their ilk. Plus lots of science fiction, fantasy, *real* science, a little-known book by a Secret Service officer, the ABC Telegraph Code (1917 edition), Chaucer, some strange books in German, and a damn near complete set of Georgette Heyer. I actually took the room that was supposed to be the dining room and turned it into a library, complete with comfy chairs and tall bookcases that look built-in. I have LOTS of books, 99% of which I have read, and I don't care what other people think. Hell, I shelve Nietzsche next to Jane Austen. (In my mind, it makes sense. They're both classics, you know.)


Blogger Barb said...

I always loved that Belle of Beauty and the Beast was a book lover, and got a kick out of her joy at the huge library. Gotaa admit - it made me drool ;-)

Of course, when I am reading, or studying, I have less time to blog :-( C'mon, BCR labs, get crackin' on that time machine! *snerk*

6:43 AM, February 28, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My bookshelves will tell you I'm a gun-lovin' foodie with a science kick who loves history and takes a break with science phiction and political philosphy.

The Snarkatron, however, isn't completely forthcoming... I've seen the Library of the Cutest House in A Nameless Suburb, and *this* is what I found...

11:47 AM, February 29, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Foglio sure can drawr purty, cain't he?

11:49 AM, February 29, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahh, ninja catgirls...

Really, though- that's what we're doing to our 1925 craftsman- turning the dining room into a library, with floor-to-ceiling bookshelves on all sides. They should hold most of our (public-appropriate) books. Should be finished sometime around 2025 or so...

The Jinxmedic

9:27 AM, March 04, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My bookshelves must give *my* visitors furiously to think, as M. Poirot would say.

Mine would too, if I had any visitors. In sight at the moment are books on geology, dinosaurs and other fossil critters, nature and wildlife, evolutionary theory, ships and sailing, archaeology, Egyptian history, photography, and computer programming. In another room is SF/F. There are a couple of bookcases worth of military history, primarily WW2; a shelf of modern-military-hardware references, and a shelf or two of military fiction including the entire Hornblower Saga. Down in a corner can be found a couple of books of quotations and Asimov's Guide to the Bible.

12:58 AM, March 05, 2008  

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