Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Attention all anti-war loons with no manners

We know you hate the war. You can shut up now. You can *especially* shut up when I'm in a movie theater, waiting to see the highly anticipated Golden Compass, and horror of horrors, an ad for the National Guard comes up. I don't care if it gives you the vapors. Did you have to announce to the entire theater in a loud voice that you "didn't come here to see war propaganda"? And when nobody else seemed to care, you had to come back a minute later and say it again?

That was me in the audience inviting you to leave, by the way. I was polite in deference to the children present. If you hadn't stomped out in a snit to demand your money back you would have seen a movie that brought up the ugly little fact that sometimes bad people want to do bad things to you, and the only way to stop them is to fight back.

And "Citizen Soldier" isn't war propaganda, you overcooked noodles. THIS is war propaganda.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes it is very difficult living in the Pacific Northwest.

Maybe the Millenium Bombers shouldn't have been stopped at the border- as no one up here believes that there are bad guys that want to kill us until they actually do.

But, never mind- I just realized that wouldn't have made a difference- all we would have heard afterwards is how "The Space Needle was an Inside Job!"


-The Jinxmedic

12:15 PM, January 02, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...you would have seen a movie that brought up the ugly little fact that sometimes bad people want to do bad things to you, and the only way to stop them is to fight back.

Wouldn't have made any difference to the loonbat: in the lib universe, bad people doing bad things to other people only *happens* in the movies -- if it had stayed for the film, it would have left grumbling that a couple of choruses of "Kumbaya" would have prevented all the computer-generated mayhem.

9:28 PM, January 02, 2008  

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