Sunday, July 15, 2007

Sunday Funnies

On a personal note (this is funny for me, not for human-caused Global Warming supporters) I have had my bumpersticker [Stop Global Whining!] meet with such critical success one person detoured just so she could find me and ask me where I had gotten it. One location is here.

Now, on to the funnies!
-Yay! Lackadaisy has an update!
-Sgt. Schlock and his mercenary buddies attend a festive funeral they were NOT responsible for!
-Girl Geek Kimiko finds a space robot from space and calls it Hob
-Girl Genius has more political intrigue than you can shake a giant robot at! Plus, if you go back a few entries, the perfect cup of coffee (may cause side effects such as delirium, ecstasy, and terminal happiness)
-The LOLcats are coming! The LOLcats are coming! (and the lolhamsters, and lolruses, and ...)


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