Sunday, December 21, 2008

What's that giant UFO in the sky up to?

About Me
- Name: Snarkatron
- Location: Pacific Northwest, United States
I value my privacy, so this isn't going to tell you much. I'm older than 30 and younger than 50, female, confirmed technogeek, and suffer fools very poorly. And I hate lima beans.

Previous Posts
- What do you mean, MORE snow?
- Ice Age
- Sunday Funnies
- Legal Drugs in Action
- All Hail Tryptophan!
- Victory in Iraq Day
- Wanted: cheap bunker, 2-4 year lease
- Sunday Funnies
- LolElection
- Veteran's Day
Hee hee hee. Hoo hoo hoo (cleans ice of inside of window to check thermometer)
2F, in direct sunlight no less. With 30 knots winds.
Only 4 inches of snow, though.
Frostbitten rooster combs look funny.
Don't seem to bother the roosters, happily.
It looks like my backyard. John's right....we should just be grateful that we don't live in Kansas.
I had to wear a long-sleeved shirt today. Probably didn't get much above 20 Celsius...
Bill - you always wear long sleeves! What else is new?
BCR - I was enjoying the pretty, white global warming stuff. Until shoveling time. Then it just became a PITA (and back). We finished at about 3pm, then came in to watch a movie ("We Were Soldiers"), and looked out a short while ago to see that the snow fairies had left another 2 inches on our previously clean driveway. Ugh!
the snow fairies had left another 2 inches on our previously clean driveway. Ugh!
That's what you get for being so gay-friendly in that part of the world.
Cool interiors, though.
I have a tractor with a blade for the purpose. Takes an hour to start in these temps, perhaps, but about 10 minutes to scrape-to-earth...
Cool interiors, though.
*Cool* interiors are sooooo last week. Interiors are now hot-hot-*hot* with gloooorious sunshiny yellows and hot pinks and
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